Roles define how users/employees interact with TriNet Expense Management. They are assigned when you add/edit employees in your company account. Note - the roles only give access within the Expense Managment cloud application, they do not give access to anything on the main TriNet Platform or within Payroll.
User Roles
The following roles are available in TriNet Expense Management:
Company Owner – Only one user per company can have this role. This is a complete access role (highest of roles) in TriNet Expense Management. Access includes, but is not limited to, Company Settings, Company Reports and Timesheets, Expense Policies, setup Direct Pay, Billing Information, Analytics, etc. The Owner role is the only role in Expense that can enable the Delegate feature. The role is assumed by the user who is setting up the company account in TriNet Expense Management, usually the individual who handles expenses, HR, finance, etc.
(Note: User must be a Subscription User)
Admin – Many users can hold this role, there is no limit to the number of users. These users all have the same permissions as the Company information except they are unable to add or update the credit card for billing information or enable the Delegate feature for the company.
(Note: User must be a Subscription User)
Admin (Time) – Only applicable if your company is signed up for our Time Module. Many users can hold this role, there is no limit to the number of users. This user has all the same permissions as the regular Admin role, except that they do not have access to the Company Reports page, they only have access to the Company Timesheets.
(Note: User must be a Subscription User)
Bookkeeper - This role is usually assumed by an internal or external bookkeeper / accountant who has visibility into all company expense reports & analytics, but cannot change company settings (i.e. add new users, change categories, etc.)
(Note: User must be a Subscription User)
Bookkeeper (Time) - This role is usually assumed by an internal or external bookkeeper / accountant who has visibility into all company timesheets, but cannot change company settings (i.e. add new users, change categories, etc.) This user must have the Time Module enabled for their account.
(Note: User must be a Subscription User)
- User - Standard user who can submit expense reports and/or approve expense reports. Users cannot see any other reports submitted by users in the company, other than reports that are submitted for their approval.
Edit a Role
To change a role for a user, you can edit their user profile on the Manage Users (page is only accessible my Company Owner or Company Admins).
(Note: If you need to change the Company Owner role, please click here and disregard the directions below.)
1. Go to Settings > Company Settings > Manage Users.
2. Click on the user's email address to edit the user profile.
C:\Users\emceldowney\OneDrive - TriNet USA, Inc\Pictures\TriNet Expense - User email change role.png
3. In the drop-down list for the Role field, select the type of role you want assigned to the user.
4. Click Save
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