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Alert: If you are unsure about your personal Expense access, please reach out to your manager.
1. Install Mobile App
Our mobile app is available on iPhone and Android smartphones and can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play Store. Simply search for TriNet Expense.
2. Integrate your Credit Card
TriNet Expense enables users to automatically download transactions from both Personal or Corporate credit cards directly into your expense account. Transactions will be loaded into the Active section of the Expenses tab. To integrate your credit card, click on the Accounts tab and search for your financial institution. Enter your login credentials that are used for your online banking, and you will be prompted to select the account/card that you would like to integrate. To learn more about the credit card integration, click here.
3. Send Receipts to your Expense Account
You can upload receipt images from your computer, email receipts to a custom address, or use the TriNet Mobile App. Click here to review all upload options. Your uploaded receipts can be found within the Receipts tab.
4. Create and Submit Reports
Within the Expenses tab click on Active. If you integrated your credit card, this is where you will see those synced expense transactions. If you are not syncing a credit card, you can manually add new expenses on this page by clicking the green +Add New Expense button. Once all expenses are added on this page, click the checkbox next to the desired expenses and then click the Create Report button.
Once the Expense Report is created, you can edit expenses further to ensure that you include all the required information. Once you are done, Click the green Submit button and your report will be submitted for approval. For more detailed information on how to create and submit a report, click here.