Expenses from your financial institution get downloaded on a daily basis. During this process your expenses are properly categorized and displayed for your expense reports. Cash expenses can be manually entered in from the Expense tab, through email or from TriNet Expense Management mobile applications. With the Expense tab you can do the following:
- Edit - Select the row you would like to edit. TriNet Expense Management supports the ability to edit the expense by selecting the field or tabbing through to the desired field. By selecting the Edit Details button, additional fields will appear. Once complete, select Save or Cancel to close the screen.
ESC key will cancel the expense from being created.
By selecting Apply To All Similar Expenses, TriNet Expense Management will automatically apply theMerchant and Category you entered with any current and future expenses from that Merchant. (See Expense Rules in the Settings Tab)
By selecting the "Company Advanced This Payment", the expense will not appear as a reimbursable item.
- Add New Expense - Click the Add New Expense button, enter the new expense and hit Save. Choose Edit Details to add additional information about the expense. a screen will appear with a list of categories to choose from. All expenses added here will be filed under your Cash Account. If you want the expense to reoccur, please see how to set up a recurring expense here. You can manage your Recurring Expenses in Setting > Personal Settings >Expenses.
- Personal or Unwanted Expenses- Click the Delete button to eliminate the expense from being considered for an expense report. This can be done individually or by selecting multiple expense rows. Select Deleted in the sub-menu under the Expense tab to view all unwanted expenses. To permanently delete these expenses, select the Delete button from within the Deleted sub-menu. If you would like to restore an expense, choice the Restore Expense button.
- Add Receipt to an Expense - When viewing active expenses, select Add under the receipt column to browse your expense receipts on your computer and attach them to the expense. Receipts will automatically be added to the expense report. Once added, an envelope icon will appear. By placing your mouse over the icon, the receipt image will appear. If you click the envelope icon once, the image will enlarge.
- Adding Expenses to Reports - Select the drop-down list in the Report column to move an expense from one expense report to another. If an expense is not assigned to a report, the column will be blank. You can select the link to be taken to the expense report.
- Receipts - Select the Receipts tab to view you receipts that have not been assigned to an expense. From the window, drag the receipt image to the desired expense. Select the Add Receipt button to browse your expense receipts on your computer and add a new receipt to the receipt viewer. Note - Receipts sent 1) via email to receipts@trinetexpense.com 2) from the receipt icon on TriNet Expense Management mobile applications will appear in the receipt image viewer.
- Create Report from Expense - Select the row(s) you would like to add to a new report and hit the create report button.