Expense Rules allow you to setup a category rule for transactions that are downloaded from your credit card integration. If you have transactions that occur often on your credit card that need to be expensed you can streamline your reporting by setting up an Expense Rule that will automatically apply the category you desire for that expense. For example, you can have the category "Meals" applied for every Starbucks transaction that comes in.
(Note: Expense Rules only apply to categories for transactions that are downloaded from your credit card integrated with TriNet Expense)
1. Go to Settings > Company Settings > Expense Rules.
2. Click on the green "+New Rule" button.
If original expense contains: = Enter in the name of the transaction which downloads from your credit card. (i.e. Starbucks, Uber, American Airlines)
Or, if you would like the transaction automatically deleted upon import rather than categorized then check the box for "Move to Deleted Folder."
3. Click the green "Add Rule" button.
For further assistance contact employees@trinet.com.