There are several places you can change your PDF template:
1. If you are the company owner, go to Settings > Company Settings. You will see a drop down called PDF Template. You can select the new PDF template here. Once you do this, every employee in your company will have this as their default template.
2. When setting up how you want to submit an expense report, click the Change Template link.
3. Go to Settings > Personal Settings > Templates. From there, change the PDF template you would like to use. You can view all the sample by clicking on the image.
Note: If you see an error saying "You do not have permission to change the PDF template. Please contact your administrator", this means you have setup a company (or are part of one). To change the PDF template please use method #1 listed above.
Please note, if your TriNet Expense user account is part of a company, you may / may not be able to change your PDF template depending on your company user permissions settings