This help topic discusses how to get started with Reviews. First let's take a look at the various review types:
Manager Review: The Manager Review is the most common type of review and involves the manager of a team being instructed to conduct reviews on the individual members of the team that he or she oversees.
Once published, the Manager Review will go live when it reaches the start date. An email is then sent to the manager and the review page will be full with reviews for his or her team members.
When the reviews are completed, they will be submitted to HR by the manager and the Administrator will be able the end the review period. The reviews will then be closed out and reports will be sent.
Manager + Self Review: The Manager + Self Review is a review that involves the manager and the employee simultaneously conducting a review.
Once the review is started and made live, it is sent out to all employees. The employee completes their portion of the review, then it gets sent to the manager. Once completed by the manager, the review is scored and an average score is taken from the results.
The review report shows both the individual scores for the employee and manager and the different scores side by side, to measure the difference between the results. The gap between the two sets of results may be a topic of discussion during the face-to-face review.
360 Review: Otherwise known as a Peer-to-Peer Review, this review involves an employee being reviewed by a peer or a number of peers selected by the manager. This can also be used to have staff review their manager(s).
A message is sent to all managers two weeks prior to the start date of the review notifying them to select the 360 Panel of reviewers. Managers will then need to go to the REVIEWS page in order to select their panelists as seen below. The Panels can also be selected and assigned by an Admin.
Managers may select individuals from their team or from employees throughout the organization by entering their names into the box marked to be reviewed by section. A drop-down list will appear and upon selection they will be added to the Review Panel on the right after the manager clicks the "+" button. Once done filling the Review Panels, managers will click the Submit panel to HR button located on the bottom of the screen. This will let Administrators know that the panelists have been selected.
The Administrator can now manage the panel selections in the Activity tab by clicking the arrow to the right as seen below.
The list of panelist will appear and Administrators can edit the panelists by clicking the "+" button located next to the circles.
Once ready, the Administrator can start a review by clicking on the START REVIEW button underneath the title of the review.*
*Please Note: This is only applicable to the 360 Review as all other reviews have an automatic start once their scheduled date arrives.
Flex Review: Flex reviews can be activated by managers at any point in time. An Admin would first create and publish the Flex Review template before managers can access it. Once published, the link to the review is located on the right hand side of the Reviews tab under “My Flex Reviews”.
A Manager would then click the Flex review when they are ready to start the review.
The Manager will then select the employee being reviewed and the reviewer to complete the review. The reviewer can be the Manager or another direct report selected by the Manager. After the Manager sets the due date, they can save the review for later or immediately start the review. When the review is started, notification that the review is live will be sent to the Reviewer (if this email notification is active in Messaging Templates).
Once the reviews are completed they will be submitted to HR and posted to the Reports page.
If you need assistance, please contact Customer Support: or 800.638.0461.