Here are the steps to setting up the ExpenseCloud Time module:
1. Create tasks - Settings > Company Settings > Tasks
More details can be found here.
2. Create projects & clients - Settings > Company Settings > Projects & Clients (Please note we do not currently support integrating existing projects (Jobs) or clients from our supported integrations. We plan to do so in the future.
More details can be found here.
3. Add departments - Settings > Company Settings > Departments
More details can be found here.
4. Add locations - Settings > Company Settings > Locations
More details can be found here.
5. Edit each user’s default location, department, project, client, rate and currency. Settings > Company Settings > Manage Users
Setting Up Billing Rates
Billing rates for time entered in can be defined within a project, task or user level. This can be configured within each client or project.
To do so, go to Settings > Company Settings > Projects & Clients. Then select the EDIT link next to the project or client you wish to configure. Select in the Default Billing Type drop-down, to calculate the billable rates based on the user’s default rate, the projects default rate or the task’s default rate.
When a project is selected, the billable rate will now be calculated based on the default billable type.
Additional details on setting up billing rates can be found here.