First you will log into your TriNet account (
If you need assistance with accessing your TriNet account, please contact Customer Support: or 800.638.0461.
Once logged into your TriNet account you can log on from either your Employee View or the Admin/Manager View.
From the Employee View > click on People from the dashboard on the left:
Then click on Applicant Tracking.
This will take you into a new window and open the TriNet Applicant Tracking account.
Or from the Admin/Manager View > Click on "Hiring >Then click on Applicant Tracking.
This will take you into a new window and open the TriNet Applicant Tracking account.
How to Add a New User
To add new users to your account, you will first need to go to the Team page that is in the admin section on your left-hand navigation bar.
Click on Invitations > then navigate to the orange Invite New Team Member button located on the upper right of the page, or you can click the blue hyperlink in the middle of the page that says, Invite Someone to Your Account.
After selecting one of the invitation options, a pop-up window will appear offering a template for you to enter in new user information.
First, you'll need to decide how much access you want to give your new user to the account. Choose Administrator to give them full access or Employee to give them limited access.
After clicking the button, a pop-up window will appear offering a template for you to enter in new user information.
First, you'll need to decide how much access you want to give your new user to the account. Choose "Administrator" to give them full access and "Employee" to give them restricted access.
After selecting one of the invitation options, a pop-up window will appear offering a template for you to enter in new user information.
First, you'll need to decide how much access you want to give your new user to the account. Choose Administrator to give them full access or Employee to give them limited access.
After you've chosen a role, you'll need to enter their core details including the user's:
* Full name
* Email address (the following email domains are NOT accepted: AOL, Email, Gmail, GMX, Hotmail, Hushmail, Lycos, Mail, Mailchimp, Mailinator, Mucho, Optonline, Outlook, Rocketmail, Yahoo, Yandex, Ymail)
* Phone number
* Title
Once you've entered the required information, click on the orange Invite button on the bottom right of the window to send out the invitation.
The invitation will be sent to the user via the email you provided, and that individual will now show up under the Invitations section.
Your new user will be added to the Current Team Members section once they accept the invitation.
Changing Ownership Role in Applicant Tracking
To change the ownership (super admin role) of your TriNet Applicant Tracking account, select the Team option under the Admin menu.
Click on the Owner’s name under the Current Team Members section of the Users tab.
Click on the blue Transfer Owner account to another user on the far-right side under Permission Level.
A pop-up window to Assign a New Company Owner to This Account will appear. Please be sure to read the warning message after the red Important! before proceeding.
Choose a new Owner by clicking on the name of the person from the drop-down box titled Pick New Owner.
Next click on the orange Change Ownership button to complete the role transfer.
Reviewing Your Staff's Roles
To view your staff’s roles, go to the Admin section of the Hire menu and select Team.
The Company Team Members page will be displayed.
Assigned Roles will display to the far-right under column titled ROLE for each user: Owner*, Admin, or Employee.
*Note - only one individual can be assigned to the Owner (or Super Admin) role.
Changing Roles, and Deactivating/Reactivating Users
- Only the Company Owner role holder can update roles under the Batch Actions drop-down menu.
- The Owner has the option to make an employee an admin or revoke Admin privileges.
- Be sure to select the box to the left of the user's name role changes are being made for, then select click on Batch Actions to select an option from the drop-down menu.
- Admin role holders can only deactivate or reactivate a user listed under the Team section for users with the Employee role.
- Admin role holders cannot make edits to another user with the Admin role.