Log in to TriNet ATS/Hire, from either Admin/Manager view or Employee view.

The job boards are free job boards meaning that while they (Monster, Glassdoor.com, indeed, JOBS.COM, and Jobted) will post jobs that feed over from ATS to their sites once your post passes their vetting process, they will not guarantee placement. Any paid listing will have precedence over the free listing.
All listings, once fed over to the five free boards, are vetted by them and then posted. This process can take up to 4 business days and they do not notify TriNet, or you if the job is posted.
TriNet has no control as to when job posting will be visible, positioning of the Job Posting or the candidate results from our nightly feed. Job boards have an independent screening process that TriNet has no insight into. We do recommend if it has been past the average five-day vetting period, that you contact the boards directly to find out why they may not have posted your job. We have also added the below when you select adding the job to the boards in case this happens.
There are a few reasons why your jobs may not initially appear in the Indeed search results, including failure to adhere to Indeed's
job posting guidelines. Even if jobs appear in search results initially, they can stop being displayed later. We encourage you to read and familiarize yourself with Indeed's educational materials and work directly to ensure your jobs adhere to Indeed's guidelines to mitigate job quality issues.
Here are the top 5 reasons jobs don’t appear in search results:
1. Indeed haven’t received their jobs yet.
It takes at least 24 hours for their jobs to show up on Indeed once you’ve added within TriNet Applicant Tracking. To locate your jobs on Indeed, follow
these instructions.
You can find resources that address the top job quality issues
3. Jobs are duplicated onsite.
Indeed is a search engine and even if Indeed has a direct feed from TriNet Applicant Tracking, Indeed may still aggregate listings from employer career pages, staffing agencies, job boards and other sources. Indeed does its best to filter out duplicate postings but it can take time for Indeed's system to identify duplicates. If you think a job is being duplicated, please reach out to us
4. Indeed views your company as a recruitment-based company (US/CA only).
Recruiting companies are only visible on our site if the job is sponsored. More information about Indeed's policy can be found
5. Your jobs are still being reviewed.
The jobseeker is the focus of Indeed’s mission to Help People Get Jobs. Indeed's Search Quality team
continuously reviews jobs that are sent to us from all sources, including from ATSs. Jobs that adhere to Indeed's job quality guidelines get your jobs on the site faster. To find out more about Search Quality at Indeed you can go to Indeed's
Employer Help Center.
After reviewing the Top 5 reasons above and your jobs still are not appearing on Indeed, you must reach out to Indeed
here and use the following messaging:
“I am a new client of TriNet's Applicant Tracking tool, an Integrated ATS with Indeed, and my jobs are included in their comprehensive XML feed. I need a CS rep to review my jobs to determine if they are suitable for organic visibility per Indeed’s Quality Standards. “