The employee (in the "My Goals" tab) or manager (in the "Team" tab) will click the “Complete Goal” button when the goal is finished and ready for the manager's approval.
Until the manager scores the goal, the employee can “Undo Complete”, bring the back back to live status, but after the manager scores the goal it cannot be undone.
The manager will log into Perform and “Approve” or "Reject” the completion of the goal. Once the goal is approved, you can no longer make any edits.
If the goal is approved, the manager will then score the goal on a 1-5 star rating by clicking on the stars.
If the goal is rejected, it will go back to the employee as a live goal. The manager can leave a comment notifying the employee why the goal was rejected. The employee will need to make the appropriate corrections and then click "Complete" to resubmit the goal in order for the manager to "Approve" or "Reject" and score the goal.