A flex review can only be completed if the Admin within the company has published the flex review. Only managers with direct reports are able to complete a Flex Review.
Go to your Reviews tab.
On the bottom right hand side there is a section called "My Flex Reviews". Click on the title of the appropriate flex review in this section. If there are no flex reviews, this means that the Admin has not yet published any flex reviews.
Once you click on the title of the flex review, a "Flex Review" pop-up window will display. Within the pop-up window, click "Edit" under the "Who will be reviewed" area.
Once you click "Edit", click on the employees avatars of who will be reviewed. The employee's avatar will display underneath "Who will be reviewed?". After selecting who will be reviewed, click "Done".
To start the flex review(s), click the "Start This Review Now".
The flex review(s) will populate in your review index within your Reviews tab.
Click the blue "Review" button to fill out and complete the flex review for that specific direct report.
Fill out and complete the Flex Review.
Once the flex review is completely filled out, click Save Review.
Then, click "Back to All Reviews".
When you have filled and completed the flex review(s), click on the red "End Review" button. If you have more than one flex review being conducted at the same time, all the flex reviews need to be completed before clicking on "End Review". Clicking on "End Review" button will populate this flex review in your and your direct reports' Reports tabs.