This article will show you how to complete and submit your self-review to your manager.
Login to TriNet (
Click Performance and Learning then Click Goals and Review.
Click Reviews from the left side menu.
You will see reviews on this page if you've been assigned a self-review, if you're a panelist for a 360 review. Click the blue Review button.
Questions will be comprised of four different response types. Each question will display have an additional "Add Comment" button that will allow you to add text in addition to the main response to the question. Responses to questions are automatically saved as indicated by the word “Saved” in the top right corner of your review. Additional comments will have a Save button that you can click as you add them.
Response Types:
Slider Response. Read the question and then slide the circle between the low and high value. A numerical value is generated based on your response.
Buttons. Read the question and then select one of the button responses. Buttons will generate a numerical score based on the button selected.
Tags. Read the question and then select the applicable tags. Tags and buttons look the same, but tags allow you to select multiple responses and there is no score generated.
Comment. Read the question and then add your response to the text field. This is not a scored response.
The progress bar at the top of the review will move each time you answer a question. Once the progress bar is full, this indicates that you have responded to all questions. If your review has scored questions, you will see a score next to the slider bar. You will now be able to Submit Review to HR.
Once you are done, at the top of the review you will click Back to All Reviews. This will take you back to the Reviews page, you will have the option to submit review to HR from this tab as well.
A confirmation pop-up window will display. Click Yes, Submit My Review.
If you need to make any corrections after you have submitted your review, please reach out to your admin and they can send your self-review back for edits. Once you have completed your edits you will need to resubmit to your HR.