This article will explain how a manager and the admin user can send back a review to a user to make updates/edits to the review.
Log into TriNet ( and from the menus, select Performance and Learning then Goals and Review.
NOTE: The self-review or the manager review can be sent back as long as the review is still Live and not ended.
If an employee/user submitted their review in error or the user needs to make corrections, they can reach out to their manager, and ask to have their review sent back. Managers will see a "Send Back" option underneath each self-review that has been submitted. The manager will need to click on "Send Back".
Once the Manager submits their portion of the review to HR (admin), the admin user can send back the self-review or the manager review.
If the self-review is sent back to the employee, then the employee will need to re-submit the self-review to the manager, and the manager will re-submit to HR.
Make sure the employee/manager resubmits the review once they are done. See article (Completing a Self-Review)