Goals are easily added and tracked by employees, managers, or company administrators. They can be classified by category and broken down into smaller tasks called milestones.
Add a goal by clicking on the ADD A GOAL button located on the left-hand side of the screen.
A New Goal pop-up window will appear. You can choose to create a categorized goal or a cascaded goal. The cascaded goal option will only be available if leadership has cascaded goals.
1. Select who the goal is about - Employees creating their own goals can start typing their own name. If managers are creating goals for employees, they can start typing the employee(s) name, the department name, or the term "team" (to set goals for all your direct reports at once). Then select the employee(s) name, department name or "team" from the drop-down list.
2. Goal Title - Give the goal a name that will be visible to the individual it is meant for.
3. Due Date - Select the calendar to pick when the goal is due.
4. Category - Select the category that the goal is tied too. Categories are set up by admin users within your company so you should see available options from the drop-down list.
5. Description - The description of the goal should explain what is required to complete the goal.
6. Weight - Selecting a goal weight is a way that you can indicate that a goal has a higher or lower priority to other goals that you have created. The default weight is three. If you are unsure about the goal weight, reach out to your manager to ensure that this is something you need to adjust.
7. Manage Milestones - Building out milestones for an individual goal allows you to break down a goal by deliverables that tie to a specific date of your choosing.
Alternatively, you can build out a goal with Recurring Milestones, which are touch points that recur every month, 60 days, or quarter. By selecting a Recurring Milestone, Perform will automatically add as many milestones as required within the time frame of the goal you’re creating.
8. Once you are finished adding the details of your goal, click Add Goal. The next screen will ask you to Confirm + Save the details that you have entered.
Once you have created your goal, it will display in the Goals section of Perform.
Employees can only view their own goals, so they will see the visibility option is My Goals. Managers can view the goals of their direct reports by clicking the visibility option Team. Admin level users will be able to see ALL goals by clicking the Company view. Additionally, an email notification will be sent to the individual(s) alerting them that a goal was set for them.
If you need assistance, please contact Customer Support: employees@trinet.com or 800.638.0461.