You can import the NetSuite Customers and Projects, then have any user select them for each expense within TriNet Expense.
As a TriNet client, you and your worksite employees are offered the convenience of using Single-Sign On (SSO) directly from your TriNet account to your TriNet Expense Management account.
When accessing TriNet Expense Management, you will be logged into the account matching the work email address that is setup in your TriNet account.
To access TriNet Expense Management, continue with the instructions below.
- Login to the TriNet
- Your TriNet account will automatically default to Employee View.
- Note: If you have administrative access to TriNet for your company, you may need to change your view to Employee in the upper left corner of your account.
- In the left menu bar, click Money then select Expenses
You will be redirected to your TriNet Expense Management account.
- Note: Once you have completed the SSO from the TriNet platform, your payroll integration is complete.
If you have any questions, log in to TriNet ( and click Contact TriNet. *
*If you are unable to log in, go to TriNet ( and select one of the following options: Forgot Password, Forgot ID, Unlock Account, Login Help.
To setup NetSuite's Client and Projects in TriNet Expense, please complete the steps below:
1. Please ensure the integration of NetSuite to Expense is complete, if not please reference this article NetSuite Token Integration with Expense for step-by-step instructions.
2. Make sure Import NetSuite Clients - Projects is activated (box is checked) in your settings > Settings > Personal Settings > Reports > NetSuite (Edit)
(Note: Make sure you import the proper categories you have set up in NetSuite. Out of the box, NetSuite has Corporate and Individual. If you add customer categories, it would be considered "Other" in our settings.)
3. Go to Settings > Company Settings > Clients & Projects > NetSuite is chosen in the drop-down and click the Sync Now button.
Once you see your NetSuite clients and projects, you may edit the status column to allow yourself (or company users) to select these for expense. Visibility is set by selecting either Show or Hide under the Status column. Selecting the Hide option prevents users from selecting the client or project information.
(Note: Inactive customers in NetSuite will not be imported)
There are two ways of finding a NetSuite client.
On each expense line item (found either from Expense > Active or directly within an expense report), a user can select the NetSuite Client/Project for their expenses or use Auto-Suggest. With Auto-Suggest a user would enter the initial letters of client's name and TriNet Expense will auto-suggest matches from the NetSuite list.
If you see a triangle icon next to the NetSuite Client's/Project's, that is a warning there is no match. The company/user needs to synchronize their clients or enter in a different Client ID. When exported, if the match is not exact, the NetSuite client will not be sent.
Please note: NetSuite Projects show as the following format: "Client: Project"
Also, exporting to a NetSuite client will automatically mark the expense as billable inside the NetSuite expense report.
TriNet Expense pulls from the Category field in NetSuite. Default Categories in NetSuite are Corporate or Individual. You can filter the category fields when connecting TriNet Expense to NetSuite.
If you are not seeing NetSuite projects, please confirm your NetSuite is configured with:
-Projects feature enabled
-Advanced Project feature enabled
-Allow Expenses on the Project record should be checked. This can be found on the Project record> Info Tab> Allow Expenses checkbox.
-Limit Time Entry to Assignees field should NOT be checked.