Who can submit reports to Payroll?
Company Owner, Company Admin or Company Bookkeeper must have the TriNet Payroll integration activated in TriNet Expense Management and hold the full Payroll Entry role in TriNet Passport.
(Note: Payroll Codes must be set up in TriNet Expense Management before exporting reports to Payroll.)
How to Submit expense reports to Payroll
1. In TriNet Expense Management, go to Reports > Company.
2. Check the box next to the report(s) you want to export to Payroll. Click Submit to Payroll.
Only reports that have been Approved can be sent to Payroll.
(Tip: You can sort reports by status by changing the Viewing drop down list to “Approved and Unpaid Reports” to easily select reports to send to Payroll)
3. Check the top of your page for a yellow notification that says, "Payroll batch export reports running" and click on the blue Refresh button until the process is complete. You should receive a Completed (Result: Success. Message: "Successfully!") message. This means all reports selected have successfully been exported to Payroll.
Potential errors you may receive when submitting reports to Payroll:
- No Payroll Configuration found for this User
- Invalid/Inactive Earn Code
- TriNet Security Error
- Report Failed to Export
- Invalid/Terminated Employee
4. Login to TriNet Passport (https://login.trinet.com). Click Admin - Manager view, then click Payroll.
5. This will bring up the Payroll Dashboard. On the left side of the screen, select the current pay period, then in the top right corner of the screen, click Open Payroll. **If you have not processed a Non-taxable Reimbursement before, click the Set up Earning Codes button and add REM to your list of available earning codes.
6. In the top right corner of the Process Payroll screen, click the Load Expense button to display the exported expense reports for reimbursement.
The Load Expense button will only display if expense reports have been submitted from TriNet Expense Management to TriNet Payroll.
7. Check the box next to the employees that need to be reimbursed. Click the Select button.
8. Once the desired employees have been selected, click on the Load to Paysheet button.
The expense reports that have been loaded to the paysheet will have a status of Moved. The amount for Total Moved will change depending on which reports you loaded to the paysheet.
9. - Click Save on the Payroll grid to save the expense reports to the sheet.
(Note: If expenses were loaded in error, click the load expense button, and then click the “selected” tab. Click the checkbox for the expense items that need to be removed and select Remove, then click the Load to Paysheet button. This will only remove the expense from the paysheet, but it will remain in the Load Expense button until it's paid on a future check. If the expense needs to be deleted, please contact TriNet and the TriNet IT Department can delete the expense.)
For further assistance contact employees@trinet.com