As a TriNet client, you and your worksite employees are offered the convenience of using Single-Sign On (SSO) directly from your TriNet account to your TriNet Expense Management account.
When accessing TriNet Expense Management, you will be logged into the account matching the work email address that is setup in your TriNet account.
To access TriNet Expense Management, continue with the instructions below.
- Login to the TriNet
- Your TriNet account will automatically default to Employee View.
- Note: If you have administrative access to TriNet for your company, you may need to change your view to Employee in the upper left corner of your account.
- In the left menu bar, click Money then select Expenses
You will be redirected to your TriNet Expense Management account.
- Note: Once you have completed the SSO from the TriNet platform, your payroll integration is complete.
If you have any questions, log in to TriNet ( and click Contact TriNet. *
*If you are unable to log in, go to TriNet ( and select one of the following options: Forgot Password, Forgot ID, Unlock Account, Login Help.
TriNet Expense Delegate Access allows one user access TriNet Expense on behalf of another TriNet Expense user and create, submit, approve, and export reports on their behalf.
The expense delegate access feature is inactive by default. If your company would like to turn on the delegate access feature in Expense Management, please access the Company Owner role and view the Company Settings page. You do not need to enable both delegate access features at the same time if it is not required for your company.
To turn on the Delegate Access feature (Company Owner only):
- Log into Expense Management as the user who has the Company Owner role.
- View Settings > Company Settings > User Permissions
- Select the checkbox for the Delegate Access feature in which you want to enable for your company. (Ex. Full Access Delegate, Vacation Delegate, or both).
- 4. Click Save to confirm and turn on the delegate access feature.
There are two types of Delegate access in the TriNet Expense Management tool: Full Delegate access and Vacation Delegate access.
- Full access – This feature will allow a user to have access to the FULL functionality in the Expense application of another user if provided permission.
- Vacation access – This feature will re-route expense reports or timesheets to the individual selected as the vacation delegate to only review and approve expense reports or timesheets. The vacation delegate feature is helpful to be utilized for approvers while they are out on PTO, LOA, etc. Expense reports and timesheets will be re-routed to the vacation delegate immediately after the vacation delegate is selected in the system and will remain active until turned off.
You will only want to select vacation delegate once that user has begun leave as the reports will immediately be sent to the delegate for approval. However, both the vacation delegate and the original approver will still be alerted via email for any new expense reports or timesheets that are submitted.
To learn more about the Delegate Access feature, including how to assign delegates, please click here.