To Access the TriNet Applicant Tracking (ATS) application, you'll first sign into the main TriNet dashboard. You can login via a single sign-on from both the Employee view and the Admin/Manager view.
- (Employee View) Click on People> Click on Applicant Tracking.
- (Admin/Manager View) Click on Hiring> Click on Applicant Tracking.
The recruiting process in TriNet Applicant Tracking begins with your job post. This will be the main advertisement that your company uses to fill an open position.
Here’s how to get started:
There are two ways to post your first job.
- On the Dashboard, select the Create a Job Post button
- In the “Jobs” section, select the Post a Job button
Either method will bring you to the same form to create your job post. This form lets you do three things:
- Create your job ad and set up the hiring criteria around the job.
- Choose where you want to post your job - either internally, externally, on the free job boards or on all three.
- Add skill assessment questions or custom questions to get candidate qualifications as part of the application in addition to a resume
Here is a brief description of each field when creating a job:
Note- these are just some of the fields you will see when creating a job. Required fields are notated by a red * next to them.
This is the title of the job post and the name of the position you’re trying to fill. Consider using an established and recognizable job title like “Administrative Assistant” or “Senior PHP Developer” rather than titles like “Data Alchemist”, “Coding Czar” or “Marketing Wizard”.
You will be given a list of options to choose from for your reason for opening the position, like:
New position
Replacement, Etc.
We know that your job requirements can change quickly so you have multiple options for defining what’s going on with a specific position right now. There are four options you can choose from:
1: Pending
2: Open
3: Closed
4: Filled
If your job is in anything except the “Open” status, it will NOT get published to your job boards and the Preview function will be disabled.
Also see Admin > Team > Permissions for allowing employees to open jobs.
The Number of Openings field lets you choose several candidates that can be set to a “Hired” status before the job is closed. Example is you plan on hiring 3 customer support managers. The job will stay open until you have Hired all the candidates associated with the job.
This is your standard job type. You’ve got four options here:
1: Full-Time
2: Part-Time
3: Contractor (or Freelance)
4: Intern
**If you Intend to share your Job with the Five free Job boards, be sure to enable the check box that states, " Automatically post this on free job boards".
The Five boards we will share the XML file to are below.
This is where you list the job description you're hiring for. The posting editor is WYSIWYG based, which means you can add bold or italics to your text or add bullet points and indents.
Note: Be careful if you’re cutting and pasting directly from Microsoft Word as it may alter your formatting in ways you didn’t intend. We suggest pasting to a plain text editor and then copying and pasting it into Hire from there for best results. (You will right-click your mouse into the job description box to see the option to paste as plain text).
TriNet Applicant Tracking lets you create categories around your jobs. For example, if you we're hiring a range of Administrative Assistants and wanted to keep your “Junior Assistant”, “Senior Assistant” and “Executive Assistant” in one easy group, you could just create a category called “Assistants” and put all the related job ads there.
This drop down lets you either associate your current job post to an existing Category you’ve already set up or you can create a new one.
The workflow is your Hiring process (from the time they apply as a new applicant and through all steps you put them through in the application process until you decide to hire or not) so be sure to build out your workflow before creating and adding it to your Job. You will find the workflows in the workflow tab, and there you can build out the actions for each step with automation. You can add the appropriate workflow to the job.
Like with Categories, you can associate locations to your job ad for easier reference. You can choose an existing location or create a new one. The location will appear on your internal/external job pages.
Are you looking for someone who’s Entry Level or an Executive? This is the place where you tell your team what you’re looking for.
Sometimes, the Experience Level isn’t enough and a year or two can make the difference between a good and a great candidate. This is where you tell your team how many years of experience are expected when searching for candidates.
Do you have an intellectually or academically demanding position? From Vocational to Ph.D and beyond, you can tell your team how much schooling your ideal candidate will have here.
Here you can specify how much travel your candidate will be doing. We provide increments of 5% all the way up to 100%.
Is it OK for your candidate to telecommute? Here you can choose Yes or No depending on what’s acceptable to you.
*You do have the option to select to have an automatic email deploy to all candidates who did not get the job once you mark your desired candidate hired. This is the ONLY mass email option in the tool.
As it says on the page, these fields are for internal use only and will not be displayed as part of the job posting. In addition, EMPLOYEE level members will not have access to this information by default. This can be changed in the Admin > Team > Permissions settings.
Choose your Hiring Lead here. This lets your team know who’s responsible for this job posting.
If your company reports to The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, this is where you can assign your EEO-1 data to the job that’s being posted.
This will tell your team what the acceptable salary range for this specific position is or what is going for approval internally. If you have a fixed number in mind, you can just fill in the first field. Be sure you are complying based on the salary Jurisdiction requirements. There is a link that will direct you to the requirements by Locale.
Most jobs will have a common set of questions attached to them, regardless of industry. These kinds of questions will include things like “Where did you go to school”, “What are your salary expectations” or “What is your LinkedIn profile”. Here, you can choose to add these common questions to your job ad and whether or not to make them mandatory for the applicant to fill out.
Clicking on the left checkbox will add the question to your job ad while clicking on the right one will force the user to answer the question before they are allowed to submit their application.
Answers to these questions will appear in the candidate’s profile page under the “Profile” tab.
As part of your job ad, you can ask custom questions around a particular skill level. For example, you can ask about “Experience with Microsoft Office including Word, Excel and PowerPoint” and have the candidate answer one of three skill levels: “No Experience”, “Some Experience” or “Expert”.
Each answer the applicant gives in this section is awarded points. The points are spread as follows:
* An “Expert” answer gets 100 points
* A “Some Experience” answer gets 50 points
* A “None” answer gets 0 points
The points for each answer are then aggregated and averaged for a score that appears on the candidate profile page giving you a numerical value from 0-100 based on how skilled they are in relation to your position. A 0-point score means they have no skills, and a 100-point score means they are an expert and probably worth an interview!
For each of your job posts, you can also add custom questions outside the Common and Skills Self-Assessment Questions. These can be as detailed or open ended as you like, and they come in four types:
- Form Field - This gives the applicant one line to answer your question.
- Yes / No - This gives the applicant the choice of answering either “Yes” or “No” to your question
- Check Boxes - This gives a range of options for your candidate to answer. They can answer either none, just one or all of them.
- Paragraph - This gives the applicant a full paragraph of text to answer your question.
Applicant Questions created and attached to your job are also stored in your “Applicant Questionnaire” section under the Admin> Template & Forms section. There, you can re-use these questions if you post your job again or you can copy them onto another job.
Note - Applicant Questions can be used during the initial applicant screening process OR be sent individually once an applicant has applied.
You can choose to have OFCCP Self-Identification questions appear on your job ad. These questions will include voluntary questions around Gender, Ethnicity, Veteran status and any Disabilities your applicant may have. Answers to these questions will appear on their profile once they submit their job application and resume.
When you are finished, just click the Save Job button and your job post will be saved.
Please keep in mind that it will take 24-32 hours for your posting to display on the free job boards. If this is your first-time posting jobs onto Indeed, Monster, Glassdoor, and Jobted from TriNet Applicant Tracking, it will take 3-5 business days for your jobs to appear. The job boards have a one-time manual job review process for jobs posting from an ATS.