The settings feature within the Scheduling screen allows you to control how the schedule displays information on the screen.
- To access the settings feature, click the icon .
A screen will display with settings options for the Scheduling screen.
Available Settings:
Employee List Show - select the organization or project to display below the worksite employee’s name.
Summary Items - select the summary items that will display at the bottom of the Scheduling screen.
Employee Sorting - select how to sort the worksite employee's information - First Name, Last Name or Last Name, First Name. You can also sort by Organization and/or Project.
Shift Display Information - select the information to display within the shift - Name, Description, Abbreviation, Organization, Project, Start/End Time.
Start Day Of Week - designate the start day of the week for the weekly view.
Start Schedule By - This setting controls the default filter being used. Filter By Employee, By Shift or By Org/Project.
Shift Slider Size - This setting controls the size of the slide when adding shifts to your schedule - Small, Medium or Large.
Start Mode - Select the default view for displaying the Scheduling screen- Daily, Weekly or Monthly.
Summary Meal/Breaks - if selected, a summary of the worksite employees' meal breaks and rest breaks will display.
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