The Employee Filter is a tool offered in TriNet Time that is helpful in controlling the information that displays on your screen. By limiting the employee data you see with the use of a filter, it may be quicker and easier to find information. The employee filter is available in the following sections:
- Dashboard
- Time Cards
- Employee
- Scheduling
Example: To limit the employees to the IT Department on your Dashboard and in Scheduling, set up and apply an employee filter by department. Once applied, go to your Dashboard and the widgets will only display information for those employees. The Scheduling section will only show those employees as well. Clear the filter to return to the original list at any time.
Set up a Default Employee Filter
1. You have several options when setting up filters. Click anywhere on the Employee Filter bar to expand the set up criteria.
Important: Display parameters are based on user access roles and permissions. You will only be able to view employees that you are assigned to supervise or manage.
2. Select an option from the Filter by drop-down list. For example, Employee Name.
3. Select the Operator to narrow down your results even further. "Filter by" options may have different operators and parameters to configure. This option allows you to enter an Employee Name.
Other filters like Organization or Project will require that you choose from the list of Organizations or Projects.
4. Click Apply to apply the filter and view your results.
Save a Filter
After viewing the filter results, your options include:
- Save Filter
- Make Default
- Clear Filter
- Clear to Default
Saving a filter will automatically make that filter active and will save it for use at a later time.
- Enter a Filter Name and click Save Changes.
Select the Global Filter checkbox to make the filter available to other users (providing they have permissions). Filters that are not global will only be available to you.
Important: Saving a filter will automatically make that filter active.
You will not be able to save a new filter when another filter is active. To save the new filter, click Clear Filter or it will overwrite the current active filter.
6. Set up filters with multiple tiers by using the "and" or "or" operators. The below filter will only display hourly employees in the Sales Organization, using the PayCode for Overtime
- Check the checkbox to also include inactive employees in your filter results.
Time Cards and Employee Masterfile screens are used to display one employee at a time. To view an employee in these sections, click on the employee name in the list. Once selected, go to the Time Card or Employee Masterfile screen and the data for that employee will display.
Note: This filter is used throughout the system. If you select an employee on the Time Card screen and navigate to the Employee screen, the same employee will continue to display.
Important: When using multiple tabs in your browser, remember to update the filter if switching between tabs.
For further assistance, please reach out to your manager or Payroll Admin.
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